When You Look Me In The Eyes
by the Jonas Brothers

If the heart is always searching,
Can you ever find a home?
I've been looking for that someone,
I'll never make it on my own.
Dreams can't take the place of loving you,
There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

How long will I be waiting,
To be with you again
Gonna tell you that I love you,
In the best way that I can.
I can't take a day without you here,
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

More and more, I start to realize,
I can reach my tomorrow,
I can hold my head up high,
And it's all because you're by my side.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When I hold you in my arms
I know that it's forever
I just gotta let you know
I never wanna let you go

When you look me in the eyes.

And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

About Me
Heya Heya

Fifteen Maa,
Love to Laugh
Wanna know more about me? Do click the link :)


It's about time

Friday, June 4, 2010

syukur ke hadrat illahi kerane telah mmbuke mate hati ku supaye pegi kt pc :P
dudee! exam is finally over!!! ahhhh! it feels good , it feels good
da lepas da seksa exam. ni nk cite before exam.

start exam ( 27 mei)
wktu ni ok lgi cuz seni ngn sivik je. pejam 2 belah mate pon tak bole jwb.
igt seni ngn sivik senang la , tak payah nk bace. perghh! skali kaw-kaw pnye saiful bg.
bengang je sivik lgi susa dr seni.
how come dude! how come?

then hri jumaat cuti. even aku tak sambut wesak but still cuti.
muahahah! mcm bodo je.
* ezma taktwu wesak tu ape cuz dye ckp dye tak penah sambut. kau gile ape nk sambut. hahah. now aku nk tnye kau , kau nk sambut ke wesak wahai kawanku ezma? kesian kau :P

isnin - bm( essay , grammar) , sc (paper 1) . sc lgi senang dr bm la dudee! hebat btol aku nie. mcm mane bm bole susa plak ni? aku ckp ngn abah yg bm aku mcm hampeh je patu abah ckp tu la byk speaking sgt. alamak kantoi! haha.

selase - eng( essay , grammar) , sc (paper 2) . this time mmg sc lgi susa. paper 2 la. ape aku nk bantai tulis? nk bantai pon ak twu nk tulis ape. haha. eng kinda easy la. aku dgn bngge ckp ngn abah yg eng senang. patu abah ckp haa! ye la senang. skali tak dpt A meraung. haha.
* teacher S , if aku dpt B atau sewaktu dgnnye , siaplah kamu :D

rabu - agama , geo , sej. agama quite hard la. 2 soalan aku tinggal. tu pon soalan tokoh tu. ishh! susa la nk igt. byk sgt tokoh. geo aku suke. 1st time aku suke geo && 1st time aku tak suke sej. geo senang but tak gile lgi la. sej susa nk mampos. naseb tak mampos je wktu aku jawab tu. da susa kn , ape lgi maen bulat2 je la. naseb objective. if subjective , mmg buat dajal je la.

khamis - kh. act ari khamis exam math && pjk but ckgu ckp jps ape bnde tah. aku da ye ye je happy cuz last kh but today plak kh. but its okay. jawab je la. disebabkn today kh je , so ckgu buat after rehat cuz before rehat ade arab. keco je KAA ni. arab konon. igt power sgt la tu. ok ok , mls nk mention about that lgi. kh totally easier than I thought. for the 1st time , dgn relax nye aku jwb kh. muahahahah!

jumaat - math ( paper 1 && 2) , pjk . 1st math paper 1. masok klas je , aku tros bkak bku. aku bru buat dlm 10min , tros ckgu suro letak beg luar. perghh! mmg panas la. bru je aku nk study balek. && math paper 1 was totally fucking shit! bangang! susa gile. sape buat nie? nk kene ngn aku ni. da la wktu math ni teacher S yg jage. then dye ckp ok its time already. aku ape lgi kelam kabut la. dlm 6 question aku tak tnde lgi. aku pon ape lgi , tande je la huruf ape yg aku suke && for sure aku bkn tande huruf E. tu yg aku maen tnde. yg aku btol2 tnde tu , enth btol enth salah.
wktu dye ckp time already tu , mybe dye trnmpk aku still tgh tnde , then like fucking shit dye ckp , ok ok its time already , please stop. like ...! relax la. aku nk tnde je. bkn aku bkak pon ketas soalan tu lgi. thn after rehat pjk. act mmg tak nak bace but bile pk balek , sivik pon susa , ape lgi pjk yg aku tak twu ape bnde ni. so aku bace la siket2. && finally ape yg aku bace tu , byk klua. alhamdulillah. naseb aku bace. 15min after pjk abs , math paper 2 plak. perghhh! aku pnye la gementar. hanye ALLAH saje twu. b4 exam aku salam ngn ezma , aika & sya. && aku tak twu plak tgn aku sejuk wktu tu , then after salam ngn aika , dye ckp tgn ekyn sejuk mcm nk mati. perghh! mcm mendoa kn je kawan. aku takot doe. da la paper 2. dyeorg plak ckp byk masok circle. aku da lemah circle. skali wktu buat tu. thank god aku dpt jwb. about 2-3 questions je aku tak twu but aku buat jgk. lantak lah. mane twu aku buat btol. &&&& finally MERDEKA!!

mari kite laungkn bersame2

p/s :
  1. for the 1st time aku tak nanges if aku taktwu nk buat. hahaha.
  2. aku buat 8A kt merdeka tu cuz kite nk pmr. so good luck guys!
  3. entah bape kali aku ckp fucking shit. kesian shit tu , tak besalah pon
  4. segale kesulitan amat dikesali. muahahah!

Wrote on5:47 PM