When You Look Me In The Eyes
by the Jonas Brothers

If the heart is always searching,
Can you ever find a home?
I've been looking for that someone,
I'll never make it on my own.
Dreams can't take the place of loving you,
There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

How long will I be waiting,
To be with you again
Gonna tell you that I love you,
In the best way that I can.
I can't take a day without you here,
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

More and more, I start to realize,
I can reach my tomorrow,
I can hold my head up high,
And it's all because you're by my side.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When I hold you in my arms
I know that it's forever
I just gotta let you know
I never wanna let you go

When you look me in the eyes.

And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

About Me
Heya Heya

Fifteen Maa,
Love to Laugh
Wanna know more about me? Do click the link :)


It's about time

Monday, May 17, 2010
Teachers Day

td teachers day agak boring.
so aku takde mood nk cite.
kengkwn aku yg laen , sile ceritekan mngenai teachers day td.
nnt aku bce blog korang :D

Wrote on3:17 PM

Saturday, May 15, 2010
we are one

this song is for my friends ( you know who you are) - no need to mention.
even this is a haiti song , but I really love it.
just listen to it :)

the lyric :

Oh brother, brother, brother
The World has knocked you down
I see you reaching out (reaching out)
We'll lend a helping hand
To heed your troubled call
Help you get through it all (through it all)

Hear you say Oh Oh Oh (oh oh oh)
Hear it now
And the whole World can hear you cry
Hear you say Oh Oh Oh (oh oh oh)
Hear it now
And the whole World can hear

We Are One
Times like these we come together
To make it through the stormy weather
United strength will last forever
Hand in hand
We Are One

One World standing on their feet and
All wars aside to stop the bleeding
Now fight, fight for the right reason
Hand in hand
We Are One

Brother, brother, brother
Just know you're not alone
We'll be the shoulder to lean on
And if we stick together
We'll make it through this weather
Through the rain through the storm
And all the tears will just be gone

Hear you say Oh Oh Oh (oh oh oh)
Hear it now
And the whole World can hear you cry
Hear you say Oh Oh Oh (oh oh oh)
Hear it now
And the whole World can hear

We Are One
Times like these we come together
To make it through the stormy weather
United strength will last forever
Hand in hand
We Are One

One World standing on their feet and
All wars aside to stop the bleeding
Now fight, fight for the right reason
Hand in hand

We Are One
The World wont let you fall
We're not gonna let you fall, fall, fall
We Are One
The World wont let you fall
We're not gonna let you fall, fall, fall
We Are One

We Are One
Times like these we come together
To make it through the stormy weather
United strength will last forever
Hand in hand
We Are One

One World standing on their feet and
All wars aside to stop the bleeding
Now fight, fight for the right reason
Hand in hand
We Are One

The World wont let you fall
We're not gonna let you fall, fall, fall
We Are One
The World wont let you fall
We're not gonna let you fall, fall, fall
We are one

We are one
We are one
We are one
We are one

Wrote on10:20 PM

Friday, May 14, 2010

td along tnye lmbt lgi ke nk gune laptop cuz dye nk gune.
then aku ckp jap la nk bace blog jap. skali da abes bace blog sume tu , aku bace blog aku sndri.
skali along nmpk. along ckp tak malu bace blog sndri. mcm takde fans nk bace je.
ek eleh! lempang nnt bru twu. suke hati aku la nk bace. blog aku kn?

p/s : along da tak update blog since march. pehh! behabuk blog kau long :P

Wrote on10:37 PM


aritu aku chat jap ngn kwn aku. kiteorg byk kali chat then skali ttbe aku trgerak hati nk tnye dye keje ape.
skali dye ckp dye jd model. aku da tekejut da. betol ke dye model or dye just nk kelentong aku.
then dlm nada gurau aku ckp la yeahh! like its true. then dye ckp betol la, buat ape nk tipu ape sume.
aku still tak puas hati then aku tnye la jd model ape. dye kate model yg runaway tu (runaway eah?). alah yg jln atas pentas tu. dye jdi model bju. wahh! lagi aku jd excited nk tnye. haha.
&& dye tnye aku keje ape. patu aku gelak. aku ckp aku skola lgi. bru 15 then dye ckp ohh! its your freshmen year. then aku ckp la , aku dok asia , so bkn freshman year. then dye gelak. (kiteorg mmg suke gelak) . dye ckp dye tak caye aku dok asia. haha. dahh! masing2 tak pecaye kt each other. haha. && dye ckp aritu dye jdi model jam skali ngn orlando bloom. pehh! aku jealous nk mati. even aku tak minat orlando bloom but its clearly awesome. right Mell?

then skali td chat aku ngadu kt dye yg aku tak suke skola cuz ckgu ape sume. dye ckp dye hm mksud aku. dye pon tak suke skola but she give me support! dye ckp takbole la mls. nie for future aku jgk. wahhh! aku igt org luar more to fashion ape sume but dye still fikir about future aku. thanks Melly!
&& dye tnye aku ape plan for this weekend. aku ckp nk pegi shopping since tkde newshirt but my mom said no cuz exam just around the corner! I need to study!

Wrote on9:27 PM


yes sorry!
to ezma && aika.
msti korang weird aku say sory.
this is the reasons. read it

aritu kn korang ade ckp yg bile aku cmmnt or ckp ngn korang , aku tak letak symbol :) , :D or gelak like haha && hehe whatever.
act aku trase. I know its stupid but korang pon twu kn aku ni sensitive aka kuat terase && nanges. aku twu korang annoyed ngn aku. mmg susa nk kwn ngn aku. aku mmg tabik la sape yg dpt kwn ngn aku. bkn mksud aku nk ckp aku ni famous mcm org tertntu je bole kwn ngn aku. its really not like that. aku pon tak phm asl prangai aku mcm ni. I'm so sorry guys. aku try change jdi lgi better. once again , sorry KAWAN :D

Wrote on9:05 PM


weyh2 nk twu tak? td again aku kene marah ngn ezma && sya
how come dude?
dyeorg mara cuz aku tak tego jojo (suke hati aku la :P ) .
ezma ckp penat je dye buat london bridge. but aku tak reti2 nk lintas bridge tu haha. oppsst! new york bridge la ( NY ade bridge ke?)
tak pena amek twu nk pulak. haha

&& td kh , ttbe same pulak ngn kelas B. aritu laen. gile pnye skola.
after rest je tros pegi bilik masak (berebut sape dpt alat pateri dlu)
thanks god dpt :D . then da pateri ape sume tu , aku test la either bunyi / nyale tak bnde alah tu.
then tak bunyi/nyale. perhhh! pasrah gile. pnye la penat buat skali tak nyale. how come?
after that , mmg tak puas hati , skali suro ckgu tgk ape yg tak betul. skali ckgu buat , nyale pulak lampu. yeahhh! even tak bnyi , takpe la. lgpon ckgu ckp if tak nyale takpe jnji buat.
but tak syok la if kite da buat but tak jdi. panas je.

after da siap sume , aku da tak twu nk buat ape then aku tlg la ezma potong waye ape sume.
&& wktu tu jojo tnye mane playar then aku tak jwb , then ezma dok pndg2 aku.
ezma bkn nk tlg ckp kn ohh. saje je. if aku diam tu means aku suro kau ckp la. asal kau tak ckp?
then after thtjojo da twu tu bkn playar so dye blah la. then aku ngadu kt sya about tu skali aku yg kene marah. korang tak kesian ke kt aku? blek2 kene marah :(
takpe takpe , tgk nnt if aku da ckp ngn jojo , smpai tak bole benti , korang jgn nk marah aku lgi. hee :D

p/s: bnde alah tu , yg sya && ezma pnye ta nyale / bunyi. yeahhh! :P

Wrote on8:25 PM

Thursday, May 13, 2010
keep on reading

jap eah my fans :P
aku ade byk bnde nk story nie but rase mcm mls nk taip
&& wktu nk on pon da tak menentu. so harap besabar eah.
-- igt nk update today but dpt on mlm so agak takde mood && sleepy la dude.
esok aku update eah?

Wrote on11:47 PM

Friday, May 7, 2010

why is this happened to us?!
okay , now sume nk twu either aku kutuk or aku marah or what so ever.
read this && you will know.

1st , sory ezma cuz aritu aku mmg kutuk kau && you want to know why?
because , kau suke act manje if kau tak phm 1 subject or what so ever.
1st mmg aku tak rase ape thn da lame2 ,its annoying. than , yes aku agreed with others yg dyeorg kate kau bajet kaye. sumpa aku tekejut time aku dpt twu yg kau pinjam duet dri aika.
its ok kau nk pinjam or what but tak sangke pulak cuz aku igt kau gune duet kau.
&& aku annoying kt kau cuz kau suke ckp maen lepas. && i know we are human. we make the same mistake && we are not perfect but if kau tak puas hati just ckp but belapik la siket.
I know you're joking but its hurt my feeling.

2nd , sory alen cuz aku ade prasangke buruk kt kau. aku tak sure betol ke tak but they keep telling that thing. wktu naufal && que jauh ngn aku , kau jee still dekat ngn aku. aku pon act mcm biase la. dyeorg kesian kt kau cuz dyeorg igt kau jd org tengah antare aku , ezma , sya && que , naufal. then 1 day aku dga cite yg kau just pretend kau baek ngn kiteorg. kau just nk twu ape yg kiteorg ckp.
&& aku still igt , aritu aku , ezma , sya , que && naufal da dtg skola. kiteorg dok tmpat biase la. sume da dtg except kau. then kiteorg decided nk pegi kt perhimpunan. skali naufal ckp "korang pegi la dlu. aku tnggu alen jap". fine. than after 2min kiteorg pegi , kau pon smpai. skali tak silap aku , que ajak korang pegi kt perhimpunan then naufal ckp "kejap la loceng belom bunyi lgi. lgpon kau nk ke dok ngn dyeorg?" . skali kau ckp " ha'ah. sape nk dok ngn dyeorg?" .
&& aku nk tnye kau , what is that mean?
kau tak payah twu aku dpt info dri mane. I just need you to answer my question.

3rd , sory que but I've got nothing to say about you. kau just the same but lately kau mmg jauh dri aku. kau nk twu why aku tak masok kelas kau? cuz kau pon tak masok kelas aku. alen je yg masok but serious aku ckp wktu alen masok tu mmg aku annoying cuz wktu tu aku da dpt twu yg dye just buat baek ngn kiteorg just cuz nk twu ape secret kiteorg.

4th , pade sape yg baek , tlg bgtwu naufal about bnde yg aku nk ckp psl dye nie. 1st thing aku tak puas hati kt kau cuz kau kate kau nk change but bile kiteorg nasihat ape sume , kau ckp susa. nk change mmg la susa but usaha la siket. kau ckp kau malu cuz kau ade ramai kwn pompuan cuz laki taknak kwn ngn kau. but bile aku tnye budak laki laen , dyeorg ckp ok je if nk kwn ngn kau. kau je yg suke nk jauh kn dri dr dyeorg && pegi kwn ngn pompuan. weyh! kau tu laki , act la mcm laki siket. ni aku tgk , kau lgi mcm pompuan dri aku. && about msg aritu , kau kate kt aku sory send cuz wktu tu kau tgh bengang. perlu ke kau send kt aku mcm tu if kau bengang? kau ckp kau tak setaraf aku la , pk blue la , mulut celupar la. fine then. kau yg ckp mcm tu. aku tak pena trfikir pon yg aku ni tak setaraf ngn kau. so kau send msg tu for what? nk lepas kn geram kau tu? kau igt aku ape? konon nk suro aku simpati kt kau la? && kau ckp kau da tak bole jd "bestfriend" aku but bole jd friend je. aku tak kesa but mcm mane aku nk kwn ngn kau if aku twu kau da taknak kwn ngn aku? kau sndri yg jauh kn diri dari aku then kau nk ckp yg aku da change? jgn jdi keling la wey! && kau ckp kau taknak aku putar belit kn cite. then kau igt selame ni aku putar belit kn cite ke? takde mase la weyh! buat ape aku nk buat mcm tu? aku kwn ngn kau elok je kn.then kau ckp aku mcm tu. aku tnye kau , if aku ckp mcm tu , kau terase jgk kn? kau kate kau kwn aku , then fikir la siket pasal perasaan aku. jgn maen sedap mulut je nk ckp.tlg lah wey! aku da tak twu nk ckp ape. if kau nk change , kau usaha la sndri.

&& if korang tak puas hati ngn aku , tak kire la sesape. even kau alen ke , sya ke , ezma ke , que ke , or naufal , just ckp ngn aku but please jage word korang. aku try jdi baek ngn korang but if korang still buat aku saket hati , aku tak twu if aku bole betahan ngn korang. && just fyi aku twu aku kuat nanges. tu mmg sifat semulejadi aku. aku twu korang annoying cuz aku selalu nanges konon nk tunjuk simpati but believe me , if ade bnde yg tak kene , mmg aku akan nanges. if you wanna know the truth , just ask my family. && even if kau tak pecaye pon , its up to you

&& after ape yg aku ckp ni , if dulu kau fikir aku baek , mmg tak betul. real human are not perfect && perfect human are not real. && just so you know , aku still hope jd kwn kau but if kau rase aku ni mcm trhegeh2 nk kwn ngn korang , its so not true. if kau accept aku , aku accept kau.

Wrote on6:22 PM

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

demam blog suda melande. ramai yg da buat blog.
tak bole jdi nie! nnt msti blog aku da tak famous.
kene always update ni. takpe takpe.
aku ade byk bnde nk story ni. nnt aku luah kn.
for now , ekyn!! keep on update!! :D


  1. fans setia blog aku , keep on reading. kau tak support aku , kene kau :P
  2. mie : bace blog ekyn , nnt dpt phone bru :P

Wrote on10:25 PM

Sunday, May 2, 2010
may 1 pnye cite

aku bkak mate lebih kurang pkol 8 but aku bgn lebih kurang pkol 10.
bgn2 tros tgk tv. cite sume tak best. along ngn B plak pegi beli breakfast.
lepas dyeorg balek , gosok gigi then tros mkn. cite kt tv still tak best.
lepas habes mkn , lipat selimut ape sume , duduk2 jap.
patu along suro B pggl abah , turun mkn.
*wktu ni ade aku , abah , along , b , fatin jee kt ruma. ma && angah pegi taekwondo kt cheras

dlm pkol 12 mcm tu , still duduk2 + tgk tv && skali tgk jam da pkol 1.
ape lgi , cepat2 la mndi. if lmbt mndi nnt kene tggl ngn abah.
lepas mandi tros je , tros klua (about 2suku)

smpai rwg tu , abah ckp nk pegi bank. lepas da abis pegi bank tu , masok je dlm kete , abah cite about insiden kt bank.
abah ckp ade sorang nyonya ni , nk klua kn duit la. dye dok ketuk2 mesin klua kn duit tu
smbil tu dye ckp , mesin ni suda rosak woo * still ketuk.
then abah tnye , u da masok kn card belom. skali dye check , dye ckp dye belom masok kn.
patu dye ckp aiyoo! saya lupa la. saya bodo la. mmg saya bodo.
twu pon kau bodo. laen kali check dlu. ni nk membebel plak.

after that , pegi tesco. mkn jap. then wktu nk klua dri kete tu , prappp!
heels aku ( tali ) putus. like wtffff!
then along tros mintak duit kt abah ckp nk beli kasut aku.
aku beli kasut color merah. abis 15 hingget jgk la.
after that , tros pegi kedai mkn ape tah tu (kt tesco la). smpai2 je kt situ , tros da ade mknan.
ape lgi , mkn je la.

abis mkn , tros continue pegi cheras. smpai cheras , call ma tnye angah da abis lawan ke belom.
ma ckp belom. angke giliran angah 71 , now bru 65. pehhh! lame gile. dri pagi td tnggu smpai skrg belom lawan lgi.
da tu , abah ckp pegi jusco dlu la. beli barang2 along dlu smbil tu abah beli barang2 tuk b && fatin. skali da jln2 + beli2 tu , aku ckp aku nk sweater cuz abah ckp nk beli tok angah.
mane fair beli tuk angah sorang je. nk taknak abah ckp haaa! amek la ape yg korang nk.
aku && along ape lgi , amek je la sweater. haha. dlm 200 jgk la melayang 4 sweater.
takpe bah , skali skale :P

after da penat tu + da taktwu nk beli ape , call malgi , tnye da siap belom.
then ma ckp yg lawan td angah menang so kene lawan lgi 1 nk tntu kn dpt emas or perak.
no lawan dye tu 81 && now bru 75. pehh! mmg bengang.
igt nk shopping ngn ma tp takbole pulak. along lgi berapi , snggup dye tak beli baju cuz nk tnggu ma abis , skali ma ckp lmbt lagi.
abah pulak da mls nk jln , skali kiteorg tros la pegi stadium cheras tu.
smpai2 je , mmg kecoh la. mcm 5 tahon tak jmpe ma. byk gile kiteorg dok cite
dr A smpai Z. ma pon layan je kiterog cite.
patu ma ckp angah dpt perak. aku tnye asl emas bg org laen?
ma ckp , bia la. da byk kali angah dpt emas. org laen pon nk rase pegang emas.

dlm pkol 8.30 tu kiteorg decided nk balek. penat gile :P
lgpon da takde ape nk buat.
dlm pejalanan tu , aku tetido. smpai2 je along kejut. dye ckp bgn nk mkn ni.
wktu tu ade kt d' myra.
abah ckp order je ape nk. jnji kenyang. aku order la spaggeti meatball ( aku org first order )
skali abah pnye smpai dlu , aku ok lgi . skali da sume dpt mknan masing2 , aku tak dpt lgi.
aku da bengang da. da aku first order. patu sume da abis mkn aku tak dpt2 lgi.
skali along pwgi tnye org tu mane yg aku order.
skali dgn selambe badak org tu pegi ckp , laa ade order ke? lupe pulak nk tulis.
perghhh! mmg aku rase nk je baling air kt muke org tu.
beragak lalupe nk tulis . aku yg order dlu kn?
f**k gile!

balek2 , aku igt nk tido je , skali perut kenyang + aku bengang gile ngn org tu so tak bole tido.
dok tr igt2 je.
mmg siott gile!
ape lgi , aku tnjuk la sweater aku kt ma. siap pkai lgi. wane pink aku pnye.
woo! hebat2 :)

Wrote on8:11 PM

Saturday, May 1, 2010

maybe today aku update yg laen cuz today angah ade taekwondo AGAIN
&& mybe ade cite hot kt cheras tu . haha.
&& tu pon if aku ikot abah pegi nanti.

*if ikot tak dpt tgk Jonas. if tak ikot , tak dpt shopping.
so nk ikot ke taknak?
any suggestion?

Wrote on9:27 AM

April :)

smlm last day for april. igt nk update smlm gak but mls + takde mood nk on.
so update la today.

nk twu tak ape aku wish wktu birthday aku aritu?
aku wish aku nk happy je wktu bln april but tak dpt.
i know its ridiculous but tu la yg aku wish.
sedih gile tak happy wktu april but its ok
hope next month , i means this month is the best month.

bye april :(

Wrote on9:13 AM