When You Look Me In The Eyes
by the Jonas Brothers

If the heart is always searching,
Can you ever find a home?
I've been looking for that someone,
I'll never make it on my own.
Dreams can't take the place of loving you,
There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

How long will I be waiting,
To be with you again
Gonna tell you that I love you,
In the best way that I can.
I can't take a day without you here,
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

More and more, I start to realize,
I can reach my tomorrow,
I can hold my head up high,
And it's all because you're by my side.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When I hold you in my arms
I know that it's forever
I just gotta let you know
I never wanna let you go

When you look me in the eyes.

And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

About Me
Heya Heya

Fifteen Maa,
Love to Laugh
Wanna know more about me? Do click the link :)


It's about time

Monday, February 15, 2010

ari tu ( 13 Feb)aku dpt nightmare
takot gile!
sampai nanges aku!
act aku mls la nk cite
but aku ttbe je rajen nk taip
so aku cite je la kt korang

Watak2 dlm mimpi aku
1) aku la ( xkn xde aku plak)
2) I (crush aku)
3) sya ( kwn baek aku la)
4) A ( date sya)
5) ez ( kwn baek)
6) B ( ngn ez la)

citenye cmni!
jeng jeng jeng

wktu tu mlm
aku ade date ngn I (beday I la)
aku lupe nk ckp ngn I yg aku dtg lmbt siket cuz aku ade keje
so aftr abes keje tu aku tros rush pegi kt I
aku bwk moto wey!
da la laju

(peringatan kpd yg bwk moto tu,jgn bwk laju2 nnt jadi ape2 kang susa)

skali aku accident
saket ouhh!
accident ngn kete
kete kwn aku plak tu

sya , ez , A & B ade dlm kete tu
dyeorg g mane tah
A bwk kete

patu da accident tu A & B kua la
nk tgk sape dyeorg lggr
sya & ez ade kt blakg dyeorg
skali sya tgk yg A lggr tu aku
dye nanges la
kate kwn baek
xkn dye gelak kot
aku kene lggr
tu bkn kwn namenye

wktu sya tgh nanges tu
ez plak suro A call I ckp aku accident
but A takot nk call cuz dye da lggr aku kn
dye takot I mrah dye la
patu ez suro je la B

conversation between I & B

B: wey! ekyn accident
I: kau bia btol
B: kau igt aku maen2 ke?
I: betol ke ni wey. aku twu la today beday aku
kau xya la buat surprise mcm ni
B: aku ckp betol la. kau igt aku maen2 ke psl accident ni
I: hahaha. mcm aku pecaye je ape kau ckp
B: lantak kau la! aku ckp btol2 kau igt aku maen2

( B mrah gile kt I)

aku da lemah gile wktu tu
patu aku dga ambulans dtg
skali aku xseda lgsg

2hari kemudian

aku bru je seda
but still lemah lgi
kt sbela kanan aku nmpk ade I & B
sbela kiri ade sya & ez
muke dyeorg sedih je

( A kt lua, dye takot nk masok)
sya ckp I pegi tumbok A cuz A langgar aku

(dlm hati aku ckp)
"aku da seda la, hapy la siket"

after aku seda tu
sya tnye aku
"kau ok x ekyn"
'bole la'

(patu dyeorg blah)
tnggal kn aku ngn I

ekyn: sory xde present
I: sape suro u pk psl present ni?

( dye mrah aku, aku diam je la)
patu tros diam..

aku pon tetido balek

1hari kemudian

ekyn: ape doctor ckp?
ez: esk kau da bole kua
ekyn : (senyum je)
sya: suke la tu nk jmpe I
ekyn: biase la

sya: (tlg amek kn fon)
ekyn : (nk call I)
ez: ( tlg kemas kn baju aku)


ekyn: bile I nk dtg ni?
sya: kejap lgi smpai la tu
ez: saba la wey

( aku xpuas hati, pegi tnye A&B)

ekyn: bile I nk smpai?
A: (senyum je)

ekyn: kau twu dye kt mane?
B: mane aku twu
ekyn: aku call dye xdpt pon
B: dye xdga la tu
ekyn: if kau syg aku, kau ckp btol2

(dgn trpksenye B ckp)
B: I accident.

aku teros pengsan
then ttbe aku TERJAGE dr TIDO
aku nanges
aku takot gile

patu aku msg sya
aku cite psl mimpi aku tu
patu dye ckp terok ke?
& dye tnye dye pkai kete ape dlm mimpi aku
hampeh gile!

P/S: Ni just nightmare
hope korang xalami mcm aku
swear takot!

Wrote on6:30 PM